Awakening the Giant (1941) = The 1941 scenario sees the war already underway, allowing players to assume command as the war truly becomes global, with major players Japan, the USA, and the Soviet Union entering the fray. Blitzkrieg (1939) = Starting at the eve of war, the 1939 scenario gets players right into the thick of the war. The Gathering Storm (1938) = Starting closer to the historical start of World War II, the 1938 scenario captures some of the key events leading up to the war, and allows players some time to arrange their country's affairs before hostilities commence. This scenario includes a good deal of lead up to the war, allowing players to enter the war with a bit more control over the stance of their country. The Road to War (1936) = The 'full' game, spanning the full duration from 1936 on. The following scenarios are available in the Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday stock game: Time is also limited and objectives can vary per scenario. Much of the map is blocked off with only territory relevant to the battle available for use. Limited scenarios on the other hand represent specific battles or campaigns that made up the history of World War II. From there, players take over their chosen countries, and play proceeds until a defined end point at which a winner is determined by counting up victory points. They generally are defined by their start year, and represent the real-world state of affairs at that point. Full scenarios allow play of the entire world and span a significant time period. Generally, there are two types of scenarios. They contain all of the game start information, including country information, events, and other details. Mods that only work with the original HoI3 and are no longer developed.A scenario is a starting setup for the beginning of a new game. Scenarios that are entirely different to the historical WWII Here is a list of mods from the Paradox forums WW2 Mods
Follow the HoI3Wiki:Mod style guide to create a page for a mod. This page lists all mods for HoI3 that can be downloaded with workable versions.